The Wisdom of Trust and Opportunity for Life-Long Learning

Feeling blessed and honored to have been trusted with the role of moderator for Bapak Jaffe Arizon Suardin’s (Direktur Regional 1 PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan Subholding Upstream) speech on “Penerapan the Spirit of SUMATERA untuk meningkatkan Produktivitas di Pertamina Hulu Rokan,” which was presented on the Forum Komet Webinar. The fact that it is indeed a part of the special session “Subholding Upstream Month of Knowledge Sharing” is one of the most exciting aspects of it.

Company’s broadcast


Menyusuri Sumatera melalui Bukit Barisan

Di malam harinya, makan bersama durian

Selamat pagi dan selamat datang Bapak/Ibu serta rekan-rekan

Dalam Komet Webinar Special selama 1 jam kedepan!

When addressing the accomplishments of Pertamina’s oil and gas business chain in the Sumatra region, it is crucial to highlight that the chain not only incorporates 20 fields that are distributed across Zones 1 and 4 but also the field for the joining of the Rokan Block. All of those include a wide range of operators, some of which are managed by Pertamina on their own. In contrast, others partner with other oil and gas companies. When we look at Regional 1 – Pertamina Hulu Rokan, we see that it is made up of multiple kinds of technology-intensive activities, everything from exploration to downstream. Such activities are carried out in a variety of settings, ranging from onshore and offshore areas. This shows that the complexity of our business is enormous. Extraordinary!

When mentioning the success of running the business chain of Pertamina on Andalas Island, it is obvious that this aspect of the story cannot be detached from the figure of a great leader who empowers the Regional 1 – Pertamina Hulu Rokan. How the leader inspires and motivates his team while effectively managing day-to-day operations while staying focused on the long-term goal of growing Pertamina into a world-class company.

Today, along with Perwira and Pertiwi Pertamina, an extremely motivational leader, has brought a new treasure to share with all participants. This event is part of the Komet Special Session, which make up the Event Subholding series. Upstream: The Month of Knowledge Sharing which is being conducted from July 1 through July 29, 2022.

During today’s session, the chapter will focus on Pak Jaffe A. Suardin as Regional Director 1 – Pertamina Hulu Rokan, more commonly known as Pak Buyung. Widiastuti Nur Farida, Jr. Analyst, Commercial Operations & Support Regional 1, served as the session’s moderator. The event was initially slated to commence at 08:00 WIB and end at 09:00 WIB. Still, due to the excitement shown by the participants, the time has been extended up to 09:30 WIB. Nearly an incredible number of 800 people from Perwira and Pertiwi Pertamina from all over Indonesia and other countries attended this Komet special session. The moderator opened the program, and then Pak Buyung delivered his speech for thirty minutes. This was followed by a discussion session that lasted until 9:30 WIB.

Pak Buyung successfully conveyed the benchmark of the spirit of SUMATERA to all participants, which is also an addition to the value of BUMN, AKHLAK:

  • Sustainable: Possesses the potential to have a long-term, positively impactful influence on the community, society, environment, and economy of the surrounding area. This work program must be able to continue for an extended period. Considering the current crude oil buried deep within the earth and searching for potential solutions, such as the best way to transition to solar-powered power plants.
  • Massive: Carry out operations that are larger in scale or have a more significant number of variables than usual. Our programs and activities need to be conducted on a massive scale and have the potential to accomplish a plethora of goals.
  • To expand: Bringing about expansion in terms of production, human resources, and the community at large in the vicinity. Each activity we partake in must contribute to expansion, not only in terms of the company and the professional advancement of its officers but also of the neighborhood surrounding the area where we conduct our business so that both the company and the environment can expand simultaneously.
  • Efficient: Operate appropriately. While focusing on the needs of the company and those of the surrounding community and the environment, it is vital to maintain an efficient way of thinking, acting, and making decisions.
  • Resilient: Capable of bouncing back quickly after being confronted by challenging events or circumstances. It is hoped that each and every Perwira and Pertiwi PHR member is firm and able to hold their ground in any case. It is natural for people to fall, but we must remember that the only thing we need to do after falling is getting back up.
  • Aggressive: Having a strong desire to achieve one’s goals and employing forceful methods. This does not imply that we put in long hours without regard to the results, but rather that we must have a strong desire to succeed in the effort necessary and make the appropriate plans.

Pak Buyung added that Regional 1 – Pertamina Hulu Rokan is responsible for 35% of Pertamina’s total production through SHU as of the year to date (YTD) June 2022. In particular, the WK Rokan itself is the most productive WK in terms of oil and gas production and contains the most enormous steam flood (steam injection) project anywhere in the world. Another thing, the efforts that have been put into improving oil recovery (IOR) have also contributed to the rise in oil production volume. Then, digital technology was initially developed for the Integrated Operations Decision Support Center (IODSC), which was later adopted and designed for use in other areas. In addition, the utilization of digital technology in various contexts is the PHR War Room a significant contribution to meeting the nation’s requirements for energy consumption. Lastly, WK Rokan makes an enormous contribution to the government’s revenue and employment opportunities.

Lari pagi menyusuri tepian Danau Toba

Ditemani hangatnya matahari di utara Sumatera

Terima kasih Pak Buyung atas semangat yang diberikan dalam mengergikan Indonesia

Merah putih akan terus menggolora didalam benak Perwira Pertiwi terbaik Pertamina!

Since I do not have any documentation during the session, the credit for these photographs goes to Mbak Asye, Mbak Kinan, Mbak Bubub, Kak Allif, Kak Raysita, and Kak Elsya. Danke Mbak & Kakak!

The preceding minutes above were drafted by WNF, 2022

Source of inspiration

After Pak Buyung finished his presentation, the session proceeded to the question-and-answer portion of the event, which exemplified the high level of enthusiasm throughout the discussion and the positive feedback received. Two of my favorite quotations are constantly bobbing around in my head, and I’m thrilled at that moment that I have the opportunity to elaborate on them in the following questions.

Facing the VUCA & digital transformation

In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish.

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum

When I think back to the beginning of my internship, I was fortunate enough to be placed on a task force. That was the moment that I suddenly became aware of how important a factor speed had become. As is now common knowledge, a number of large businesses were unable to endure because they were unable to adjust to the new era, also known as the era of big data disruption. On the other hand, a small company or start-up that had just started their company a few years ago demonstrated that they were able to endure and maintain its position by only making a quick decision through a digitalizing process that could adapt to the agility of the business. 

Feeling blessed for all of the stepping stones that shaped my knowledge and are fundamental to my values and principles on digitalization, the XD World Team, my mentors, and PHE management are the ones that always come to mind first. I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude to you for entrusting me with this opportunity. I made all of the stories recorded and am grateful to have gotten to know each of them through this link:

*Disclaimer: These photographs were taken before the outbreak of COVID and were mainly captured between 2018 and 2019. Such an old photo, but with fond memories of working and learning with the incredible XD World team (Minus Reza Fauziah in frame).

Since 2021, the XD World team has been working closely with all of the regionals of Subholding Upstream to elaborate on all the data. Along with all of the Bapak/Ibu from SHU Regionals, we also have Mas Adi Gunawan, Mas Andri Awal Aspari, Mas Hendry Setiawan Lie, and Mas Gema Wahyudi Purnama from SHU Exploration.

Long-term Goal

Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi langit! Bermimpilah setinggi langit. Jika engkau jatuh, engkau akan jatuh di antara bintang-bintang.
Hang your dreams up to the skyDream as high as the skyIf you fallyou will fall among the stars.

Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia

Realizing the fact that Indonesia is located at a meeting point for multiple tectonic plates offers its abundant natural resources. Because of its position, we must also be aware of the natural hazards likely to accompany us. In whatever decision I’ve made, I’ve always had Indonesia as a source of inspiration. My primary focus is on energy, particularly related to the exploration of oil and gas. At present, environmental concerns do affect global oil and gas companies. The demand for environmentally friendly businesses and products does affect the oil and gas sector. However, the Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (RUEN) target is the closest to being reached in 2025, at 415 MTOE. In detail, crude oil will provide 25% of the nation’s needs; natural gas will provide 22%; new and renewable energy will serve 23%, and the remaining will come from coal. Then, the following figure for 2050 for RUEN of 1,030 TOE is estimated. From the total of more than doubled targets, crude oil will account for 20%, natural gas will account for 24%, new and renewable energy will account for 31%, and coal will account for 25%. In summary, about 25 years ahead, conventional oil and gas still hold the majority, 44-47%. They will continue to play their role in the overall energy balance. However, there is a limited window to explore and utilize oil and gas resources to coincide with the milestones of the zero-carbon agenda, especially when considering the amount of time it takes to monetize a discovery.

In light of those above-mentioned issues and that we are aware that energy is the foundation that allows us to continue living, my long-term passion is to contribute my geological expertise to the discovery in Indonesia’s basins of how to achieve human requirements in ways that are economically and environmentally sustainable, while also lowering the risk and increasing the frequency at which monetization can occur. At the very special moment of discussion, I was happy elaborate on the discussion to hint at the RUEN and the goal of targeting Indonesia’s production goal for 2030. Alhamdulillah!

It’s not a goodbye it’s a see you later

I’d like to express my gratitude to Bu Dwi Putri Lestari, Mbak Dewayani, and Bapak/Ibu of the HC Quality Management Regional 1 – Pertamina Hulu Rokan for granting me such a tremendous opportunity to learn more through the role of moderator. For Mbak Asye Hilina, Bu Florina Dwitia, Bu Niken Kastubami, Bu Rr Wara Dessiswatami, Bu Renny Andayani D, and Bu Shynta Dewi, as well as Pak Yan Martes Andreas and Mas Victor Chatra Primantara, who brought the vibrant atmosphere for the execution on the D-day via the limited Mteams room, thank you very much. I’m feeling honored as well to meet Bapak/Ibu management Regional 1 – PHR, SHU & PCU.

Everything started when Bapak/Ibu HC QM Regional 1 – Pertamina Hulu Rokan appointed me to a position at the farewell goodbye of “Arahan Management dan Greeting Appreciation PHR-Regional 1 for the team of CIP APQA 2022 & TKMPN 2021 on June 13, 2022.” When I thought about it, I realized that saying goodbye can also provide a meaningful opportunity and that the story might have turned out differently if it hadn’t been for the goodbye. At that very moment, Bu Putri, Mbak Dewi, and the rest of the team put their belief that I could do that role. In my view, it is always essential to ensure that silaturahhim is maintained, even by saying goodbye.

One of My Dream Teams: JPMT

Before that goodbye, though, every team was expected to deliver their experience through the CIP until the APQA experience. My leader for the CIP team, Mas Muhamad Taufiq, and our member, Oscar Dwi M, who were present at the time, offered me an opportunity to be the voice of the team and share our experience with all of the management of Regional 1, who was also in attendance at the time. I was nervous, but I also looked forward to making the speech. In light of this, it’s possible that the events that transpired would have taken a different turn had the team not offered me the trust they did. Terima kasih Mas Taufiq & Oscar!

As a geologist who was given the opportunity to tour of duty to the new function, which is commercial, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me, not only because I have a passion for the subsurface but also because gaining this additional knowledge from commercial sight will enable me to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the upstream industry at Pertamina. For the continuous encouragement that they gave us, Bapak/Ibu Commercial Management R1, Bu Ami Marlim, Pak Kofah Baskoro, and Pak Sigit Watiman deserve a special acknowledgment of our gratitude. To all of my mentors on the JPMT Team, Mas Muhamad Taufiq Hidayat, Mas Khemas Titis Adhitya, Mas Aby Herwendo, Mbak Dian Ambarwati, Mas Priya Padmanagara, and Oscar Dwi Marjuan, who have always been patient with me and taught me step by step so that I could grasp this new world of learning through the creation of JPMT CIP, thank you! Mbak Utami Mustikasari, Mbak Mutia Eridani, Mas Junihar Aswad, Mbak Nindya Anindita, Mbak Elsya Aulia Ulfa, Mbak Yurikha Rooszanti, Bu Vera Morina Carla, Bu Wiwin Anggraini, Pak Muhammad Imron, Pak Aryono Yudianto, and Pak Petrus Krisologus, who all provided insightful knowledge and engaged in meaningful conversation. I am unable to adequately repay the time that they have given me. Wishing you always all the best! Barokah Bapak/Ibu & Mas/Mbak.

Look Up To

Family : As the first child and the first grandchild in my family tree, my family’s spirit has always been with me throughout my public speaking life. Makasih banyak Bapak, Mamah & my beloved brother, Dimas A Hareva N. My uncle, Rachmat Subagia, has been there for me on all occasions, providing me with proofreading assistance in the vast majority of my early duties where it should be delivered in English. I hope that you succeed in getting your Ph.D. at the Georgia Institute of Technology! Such an inspiration for me.


My alma mater : A special thanks to my lecturers, 2011 colleagues, seniors (IKA Geodipa), and juniors for the endless support and trust you gave. I’m proud to be a part of Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi “Magmadipa”, Universitas Diponegoro.

The ambiance during the graduation ceremonial party in our department

Bapak/Ibu CPI, TEPI, PCI, PHE Exploration, who patiently push me to improve myself during my time since I’m an internee : Pak Ari Samodra, Pak Ahmad Najihal Amal, Pak Farid Rochmadianto, Pak Bintoro Wibowo, Pak Eko Rudi T, Pak Medy Kurniawan, Pak Abdul Mutalib Masdar, Pak Doni Hernady, Pak Nawawi Luthfi, Bu Rusalida Ragunwati, Pak Bambang Suryoko, Pak Ferdy, Pak Awang Harun Satyana, Pak Wayan Wardana, Pak Herman Darman, Pak Miftah Mazied, Pak Abdul Latief Setyadi, Bapak Andi Desman, Mas Aditya Suardiputra, Pak Hendra Darmawan for the unending trust and endorsement that you have provided me and all of us with. I owe you everything, not only for the honorable Bapak/Ibu but also for the Bapak/Ibu who was not mentioned. I also wish Bapak/Ibu the utmost success in everything they do & in health conditions! Aamiiin.

Grida, Maman & Pak Awang. We happily ate green beans after getting precious knowledge from Pak Awang. This photo was taken during our OJT period, before COVID hits.
Bu Rusalida & Kakak Raysita. Lovely!

My seniors and mentors that always push me to be a better version and become my source of inspiration: Bapak/Ibu Mas/Mbak XD (The special page I admired them in a separate post, Mbak Dyah Woelandari, Mas Agus Dwi Suryanto, Pak Yudhi Widhiyana, Mas Andika Rizal Bahlefi, Pak Candra Arifin, Mas Miftahhus Siddiq, Mbak Reza), Mbak Tri Rani Puji Astuti, Mas Dwandari Ralanarko, Mas Aveliansyah, Mbak Dini Soeherman, Mbak Visitasi Femant, Mbak Nilam Tiara, Mbak Fitriyanda Hermawan, Mbak Kinanti Sayekti, Mas Fanny Rosdiawan, Mas Adhilaksana, Mbak Indah Anggraini, Mbak Vidie Maharani, Mbak Dian Ardianti, Mbak Erly Fitrianty, Mas Andri Awal Aspari, Mas Windi Darmawan, Mas Yogi Adhetia, Mas Adi Gunawan, Mbak Yosa Al Mizani, Mas Eka Nugraha, Mas Edin A Syaripudin, Mas Firman Adriansyah Bumulo, Mas Ennur Kusumawijaya, Mbak Faridatur Rizki, Mbak Rahma, Mbak Titin Sumarni, Mas Murthala Hatta, Mas Adam Dwinanto, Mas Rahmat Budiana, Mas Reza, Mas Dian, Pak Ivan Nugraha, Mas Yosaphat, Mas Andika Wicaksono, Mas Andry Yumansa, Mas Casdira, Mas Erik, Mas Iyep Sopandi, Mas Risdi M Zinal, Mbak Mega Kurnia, Mbak Saskya Putri, Mbak Ankee and all Mas/Mbak Exploration and Lantai 21. Matur nuwun sanget!

Some of the XD World Team : Mas Siddiq, Mbak Dyah & Pak Yudhi
With Bapak/Ibu Mas/Mbak Exploration Team

My colleagues, my role model along with endless encouragement, thank you for being there in my hardest moment : Kakak-Kakak Adik-Adik Raysita Galuh Dwijayanti, Ryan Bobby Andika, Rizki Rahmandani, Allif Massiha, Frisca Marina Renandia, Mbak Tsania Ozza, Annisa Apriliani, Bunga Amitama, Rinaldo Luthfan, Farras Ramadhan, Nia Yusmaydianti, Atikah, Elok Annisa Devi, Chairiyatul Fitri-Ahmad Farhan, Mbak Mahar Putri Agista, Dewi Mindasari, Agatha Armadhea Vashti, Diah Wijitianti, Octarosa Astri, Diah Ayu Puspitasari, Dessy Widya, Indra Luthfiana, Bella Safitri, Bela M. Putri, Alfathony Krisnabudhi, Nadya Oetari, Birgita Laksmi, Yan B Muslih, Bagus Rachmad Irwansyah, Bayan Novrian, Tommy Supratama, T.M Mifdhal, Ika Sari O, Daniel Maynard, Andisa, Monich RHD, Kevin Prasetya, Argya Basundara, Anya Hendri, Safira Rizkia, Nisrina Vantika R, all Anak Buah Gusti (Grida Viantiska, Sarah Intan Fanstria, Ahmad Aulia Justisiananto, Tunjung Wicaksana, Devlin Christofer, Maman Sudarman, Ahmad Fahri Habibi, Fikri Tama Umami, Akbar Nur Bahtiar, Gusti A Panjaitan), Fachmi M Irhamsyah, Sonny Adi Wicaksono, Rahayu Damayanti, Mbak Mikrokhah Haniffa, Sheila Kusuma, Diena Fadiah, Bryna Mustika, Cecilia Jatu. And to the people whose names were not mentioned, I will never forget who you are. I cannot express how grateful I am for your thoughtfulness and generosity. InsyaaAllah silaturrahim will always be maintained.

Lovely Jatu!
Lovely Unga, Allif & Nia
My mentors for research : Tommy, Bayan, Yan, Dewo
W/ lovely Gita-Tika-Yuli-Widi-Feralda-Lita

IAGI : Pak Sukmandaru Prihatmoko, Pak Burhannudinnur, Mbak Rosalyn Wulandari, Mbak Aurora Juniarti, Pak Iryanto Rompo, Pakdhe Ipul, Mas Reza Permadi, Mas Azka Yusuf, Ka Ragil Pratiwi, Mas Aji Rahmat Ginanjar, Cindi Kamelina & Team.

Horas! Bang Jul, Pak Singgih, Pak Daru, Pak Budi,
Ka Reper, Ka Azka

ISPG : Bang Julianta Panjaitan, Mas Albertus Airlangga, Mbak Mellinda Arisandy & Team.

FGMI : Muhammad Addiansyah, Purnaning Tuwuh, Sekar Indah Tri Kusuma & Team.

Bodri Delta at that old time w/ inspiring juniors from Geo Undip

Joint Convex HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, and some of them also came from the student chapters who gave me the trust since 2017 to explore learning as an MC and or moderator

Mell, Elok & Argya in one frame

I am immensely thankful for the opportunities to learn and grow and the trust and encouragement they deliver to me to succeed in every event. I couldn’t mention the rest of the overwhelming trust and support, but you know who you are. What I have always held to be true about sincerity is something that is deeply rooted in my mind even to this day. If someone asks us if we can do something, we should respond with a straightforward “YES” if we can do it or “NO, BUT I WILL LEARN” if we are unable to do it. This has been the most valuable lesson for me: to honor everyone, including ourselves, and to remain faithful to the conditions at all times. This is a priceless feeling to have.

I can vividly recall some of the moments: the first was when I was standing in front of Bapak Tanri Abeng and the entire management team from PHE and Pertamina before the COVID hit. My task should be to represent the team and give a lightning speech about our innovation. This role comes from the enthusiasm of the management PHE, our mentors, and the XD World Team.

XD World Presentation

In the following year, they and Mbak Vidie Maharani, PHE Exploration Management, XD Team along with Bu Meidawati Relation Team, offer a task to be the representative of Upstream Pertamina to deliver our innovation at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Conference. At that time, I was the youngest representative of the Pertamina team. Looking back, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life to meet Bapak/Ibu, the inspiring management of Pertamina, and discover from them in a more personal setting, while also having a very good time in the desert and other stops while in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. I don’t think the story would have turned out the same way if I hadn’t been trusted and granted those opportunities and tasks to learn.

To continue, let’s return to the year 2019 (again). My first time was serving as moderator on a “Women in Geology” talk show over the weekend of 2019. It was held to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the Indonesian Association of Geologists (IAGI).

It’s hard to put into words how fortunate I felt to be given the opportunity to moderate this fantastic talk show. A moment in my life that I will never forget is when I got to meet all of the Kartini(s) of Indonesian geologists, all of whom I had always admired, Bu Mega Fatimah Rosana, Bu Made Emmy Suparka, Bu Mimin Karmini Adisaputra, Bu Dwikorita Karnawati, Bu Shinta Damayanti and Bu Parvita H Siregar. To this day, I try to remember that to become a well-rounded geologist, I should never stop learning from more experienced geologists, even the younger ones. Alhamdulillah, despite being a recent college graduate, I was presented with an overwhelming number of opportunities by each mentor I had and the people in the organization with whom I met. Their faith in me was a determinant in my professional growth as a geoscientist throughout my career. Cindi, terima kasih for you trust!

Selected MC & Moderator Portfolio

In order to bring this story to a close, this is my portfolio, which I acknowledge is not only the result of my hard work but also the trust bestowed upon me by the extraordinary people, organization, and team in my life. Thank you, thank you & thank you!

  1. Moderator of “Penerapan the Spirit of Sumatera untuk meningkatkan Produktifitas di Pertamina Hulu Rokan” with speaker : Mr. Jaffee Arizon Suardin (Direktur Regional 1 PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan Subholding Upstream), organized by Komet Pertamina, virtual 2022.
  2. Moderator of “CIP Special Sharing Session: Meningkatkan Revenue di Zona 4 Regional 1 Pertamina Hulu Rokan” with speakers: Mr. Khemas Titis A (PHR) and Mr. Muhamad Taufiq (PHR) organized by Komet Pertamina, virtual 2022.
  3. MC and moderator of “What can Women and Youth Do for Earth Sustainability?” with speakers: Mrs. Vijaya Isnaniawardhani (UNPAD), Mrs. Sinchia Dewi Puspita (PHE), and Ms. Maghfira Abida (UCL) organized by IAGI, virtual 2022.
  4. MC and moderator of “Road Map to O&G Exploration Recovery” with speaker: Mr. Sidiq Pramada (SKK Migas) organized by IAGI, virtual 2022.
  5. MC and moderator of “Krakatau: Mengenal Letusan Tahun 535, 1883 dan 2018 lebih Dekat” with speaker: Mr. Mirzam Abdurrachman (ITB) organized by IAGI, virtual 2022.
  6. MC and moderator of “Indonesian Energy Strategy towards Sustainability: A Panoramic View” and “Government Strategy in Managing Fossil Energy and Energy Transition” with speakers: Mr. Moekianto Soeryowibowo (Petroleum Industry Practitioner) and Mr. Arii Ardjuna (SKK Migas) organized by Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geologists (ISPG), virtual 2022.
  7. Moderator of “Early Career Preparation: Basic Technical Skills You Should Have” with speakers Mr. Andang Bachtiar (Maurel & Prom), Mr. Irwan Susilo (Geospasia Wahan Jaya), and STJ Budi Santoso (J Resources) organized by FGMI, virtual 2021.
  8. MC of “Gas Coordination Meeting Sumatera Bagian Utara” organized by SKK Migas, virtual 2021.
  9. MC and moderator of “Presenter Technical Workshop Joint Convention Bandung” organized by HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, virtual 2021.
  10. MC and moderator of “Semangat Nasionalisme IAGI untuk Turut Mewujudkan Indonesia Tangguh dan Indonesia Tumbuh” with speaker: Mr. Andang Bachtiar (Maurel & Prom) organized by IAGI, virtual 2021.
  11. Moderator of “Women Empowerment in Energy Sector: She is Capable!” with speakers Mrs. Juliana Laura Tampodung (HR Migas Community), Mr. Hazred Umar Fathan (Dunia Tambang), and Mrs. Yunita Dyah (Premier Oil) organized by ISPG and FGMI, virtual 2021.
  12. MC of “Exploration PHE Town Hall” organized by PHE Sub Holding Upstream, virtual 2021.
  13. MC of “Talk, Grow & Inspire on Friday: Winter is Coming!” with speaker Mr. Medy Kurniawan (Exploration Director PHE Sub Holding Upstream) organized by PHE, virtual 2021.
  14. MC & moderator of “Exploring Frontier Areas of Papua: Prospectivities and Challenges” with speaker Mr. Awang Harun Satyana (SKK Migas) organized by ISPG, virtual 2020.
  15. MC and moderator of “Multi-scale Pore Systems Characterization in Carbonate Reservoirs: Learning from Banyu Urip Carbonate Reservoir, Cepu, East Java” with speaker: Mr. LaOde Ahdyar (Exxonmobil) organized by ISPG, virtual 2020.
  16. MC of “Exploration Technology Sharing Session from Boston Consulting Group” organized by PHE, virtual 2020.
  17. MC and moderator of “Seri Webinar Calon Ibu Kota Negara : Potensi Tsunami Selat Makassar” with speakers Mr. Andang Bachtiar (IAGI), Mr. Benyamin Sapiie (ITB), Mr. Eko Yulianto (LIPI) and Mr Salahuddin Husein (UGM) organized by IAGI, virtual 2020.
  18. Moderator of “Woman in Geology” with speakers : Mrs. Mega Fatimah Rosana (UNPAD), Mrs. Emmy Suparka (ITB), Mrs. Mimin Karmini Adisaputra (P3GL), Mrs. Shinta Damayanti (SKK Migas), Mrs. Dwikorita Karnawati (UGM), and Mrs. Parvita H Siregar (Salamander Energy) organized by IAGI, Jakarta 2019.
  19. MC of “FGMI 6.0 Anniversary” organized by FGMI, Jakarta 2018.
  20. MC of “Prospect & Lead Workshop” organized by PHE, Semarang 2017.
  21. Many more

His timing is perfect in every matter

I’ve come to the realization that not only is what we represent right now the result of our hard work, but it’s also the result of the prayers and unwavering guidance of our parents, teachers, colleagues, seniors, and juniors, as well as the generosity of complete strangers. In point of fact, Silaturrahim can put everything together, and to solve the puzzle, we must ensure that we passionately maintain it. I’ve recognized that we should always practice silaturrahim in work, organization, or even friendship because we never know when tomorrow might be too late. Sometimes it won’t always be a goodbye, but rather a see you later to an exciting trust and opportunity. This cycle is something that I’ve understood, and it’s something that I hope I share in this post to go into the hearts that need to hear it.

This writing also reminds me always to be open and eager to learn from new people I meet and to address the challenge enthusiastically. I have faith that Rizq will make his way to us in some form or another, and as I wrap up this section, the thought occurs to me that every trust and opportunity these Bapak/Ibu and Mas/Mbak have extended is significant for our growth. Alhamdulillah, terima kasih banyak Bapak/Ibu Mas/Mbak!

I am willing to embrace the new trust and opportunity in life that lies ahead in the future! #stilllearning

Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people.

Stephen R. Covey 

WNF with the rain in South Jakarta

Jum’at barokah, 2022

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